Balik Pulau Laksa!

Continuing my adventure from the Balik Pulau durians, my friends and I headed off in search of laksa. Usually, people will go for the laksa at Balik Pulau market. But my friend told me, ‘Cannot, must go to the one at someone’s house one. Nicer.’ I’ve heard of this famous laksa before but have never tried it. And since my friend can vaguely remember where it is, we decided to try and find the place.

Now, I can’t really give directions cos I’m so lost in Balik Pulau, but the place is at Kuala Jalan Baru and I have GPS co ordinates of the place!! heehee… N5 21.227 E100 12.05
whatever that means…but I presume if you have a GPS unit and punch in those co ordinates, your GPS will bring you right to the place!

Sure enough, we arrived at someone’s house. Its a row of houses opposite a small river. We were told in the afternoons when the fishermen come back, we could buy very fresh seafood off their boats on that river. Upon arrival, I spotted this…

Wah…open only on Saturday and Sunday!

Quickly, we ordered our laksa and waited in anticipation. I must say that we were not disappointed! Our laksa came loaded with lots of fish! Very flavorful and utterly delicious!! Rating: A+


Despite being so full from the durians, I still polished off one bowl of laksa and drank all the soup! (which I don’t normally do)

If laksa’s not your favourite, you can also choose to have Hokkien Mee/Prawn Mee. I couldn’t eat another bite after my laksa, but my other friends ordered a bowl of Hokkien Mee to share and said it was pretty good. But laksa is their main attraction here.

So, the next time you’re in the mood for some laksa and feeling a tad bit adventurous…you know where to go!


  1. Arghhh~~ I missed it~
    you guys said will go for durian-NYA, since i don’t fancy durian, i excuse myself loh, but then? how can you guys go for laksa after durian without me? not fair~!! i swear i will not be left out even if you guys said you will eat plain white bread next round~! i must follow~! wuahahahah

  2. hahaha ji mui…sorry ya we left you out…but you also must surely know that we, being the makan kings we are, would not stop at durians only!! heehee…nvm we take you to that laksa place another day, ok? 🙂

  3. Ah …. reminds me of old times …. This place is called Sungai Batu …. there are an ice kacang stall too which operates in the house next door. 😀

  4. there is another outlet in a private house…RM 1.00 laksa per bowl only open on weekends during durian season…200 meters after PBA in sungei pinang on the way to teluk bahang

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