How Vain Are You?

Did this silly fun quiz I read from 5Xmom’s site…cos I’m bored even though I know there’s this report sitting there waiting for me to read it and make some sense of it….
So yes, apparently I am, quite the vain pot…coming in at 73% just 1% behind 5Xmom!

You Are 73% Vain

You’re a little vain, but you also work hard for your good looks.
Just remember, everyone knows you are a total hottie. You don’t have to remind them.

Well…what to do, in this day and age, so much emphasis is put on how a person looks. And there’s the ol’ saying that women want beauty, dun want their life. But, as vain as I may be, I refuse to be a slave to fashion (although I must admit I have no resistance whatsoever when it comes to shoes, bags and earrings….). And I sure as hell will not give up food to starve myself into becoming model thin!
In fact…I’m dreaming of tiramisu right now after reading an old entry in Keiko’s blog…my oh my, her food photos are sinfully enticing!!!


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