Breakfast @ Pulau Tikus

One of my favourite places to go to for Sunday morning breakfast is Pulau Tikus market area. Traffic and parking around that area can be quite a bit of a hassle since this area is usually jammed packed in the mornings. But every once in a while, I do not mind braving the marketing crowd, for my efforts will be well rewarded.

There are lots and lots of things to eat at this area in the morning, what with 3 kopitiams almost back to back. And that’s not including what’s available inside the Pulau Tikus market itself! There is the famous Hokkien Mee (at the kopitiam opposite the police station).

And there is this….

Pulau Tikus ban chang kuih

It may look like any other ‘ban chang kuih’, but this stall easily has the best ‘ban chang kuih’s around town! Located by the roadside opposite the Pulau Tikus police station, business is brisk with lots of people waiting to savor the thin and crispy ‘ban chang kuih’. They are generous with their fillings. And they offer lots of varieties of fillings including the traditional peanut and corn, peanut butter, chocolate, chocolate banana (my absolute favourite!!) and even savoury ones like egg, tuna and ham.

Other interesting things to try include the ‘roti babi’ (bread stuffed with pork).

Pulau Tikus roti babi

My family absolutely loves ‘roti babi’ because my late grandma used to make the best ones! The ‘roti babi’ here at the kopitiam opposite the police station is not bad. A rather unusual one, because they put in very finely chopped potatoes and carrots into the pork filling. They also spreaded breadcrumbs over the bread before frying.

The curry mee here is also very good. And at the next kopitiam, you can find good mee rebus.

It’s a culinary adventure indeed, when you venture into this area for breakfast!


  1. big boys oven – 🙂 i still miss my grandma’s version more! im sure you guys can whip up a real tasty one too!

    adrian – KL got roti babi ah? seems like never seen it before in KL

    allen – yeah i think pulau tikus a bit far for you. somemore on sunday mornings the place like ‘siao lang’ so packed!!

    jamchoo – hello! hope you like what you see here. 🙂

  2. ban cheang koay…. i like it the most… but my favourite is the corn only fillings…..

    Pulau tikus market is a great place for food hunting…

    for us.. packed is not an issue.. as long as the food worth inside our mouth…. yum yum…

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