Coming Home to Good News

I’m back! From my Makan Tour to China. It has been a splendid 5 days of eat, drink, sleep and relax…

But soon, the ‘nightmare’ will begin as I start organizing my photos and writing my blog entries about all that glorious food! 🙂

It’s good to be home though. And even better when I came home to this….

Fresh Cherries

Fresh cherries from the local fruits wholesaler! I’ve been waiting and waiting for them to arrive at the wholesaler’s. And I literally jumped for joy when my dad told me he was expecting the cherries today!

Ah, fresh juicy and sweet cherries. Life does not get any better than this!

Fresh Cherries2

Oh wait! But it DOES get better!

For I opened my mailbox this evening, and saw this…

My first nuffnang cheque

My very first Nuffnang cheque! Which has been painstakingly accumulated since June last year til March this year. It certainly is not a whole lot. But, I would think its not too shabby either from my first year of blogging. And it would also mean there is room for improvement! 🙂

So thank you Nuffnang. And thank you to each and everyone of you who’ve visited, commented and emailed. More good food coming your way I promise! 🙂


  1. wellcome back and look forward to more post on local delicacies.

    I visited Uncle John at Balik Pulau past weekend for Durian. The timing was not right so I only get to sample few local varieties and couple of “branded”. Not very good experience overall but I should be back in Jul to check out the better ones.

  2. welcome nice to see u finally posting smth after so long.congrats on ur cheque! will keep commenting and visiting,i love ur site and sweet personality! 🙂

  3. gina – thank you. i’m having headache editing them now! lol

    ck lam – thank you thank you!

    liew – oh, sorry to hear about your experience at uncle john’s. i think its still a bit too early to visit his farm. he should have more branded ones later in the season

    BBO – the cherries look really nice right? im so happy with them! and the cheque too.. hehe

  4. ealyshea – thanks for your kind words! do keep coming back! 🙂

    elsie – hie!! hope to catch up with you soon.

    penangtuapui – hahah! eh i cannot too pui la. later no one want. i’m already planning to go on diet already! 😛

    adrian – most definitely got put on weight. 🙁 but thats me la, eat first, diet later. haha!

  5. new kid on the blog – thank you! luckily i didnt feel the tremor. i was in hong kong the day of the quake.

    kenny – life is good ain’t it? lol

    penangtuapui – heehee yeah, you’re right. we should really have a northern flogger makan party soon!

  6. I don’t know you….but your blog sure looks interesting with all the good places to eat!!!! I will come back for more…..LOLz….interesting…

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