Dinner at a Post Office in Singapore

During an ultra short trip to Singapore last month, I managed to meet Lady Iron Chef for the first time after being an avid fan of his amazingly drool worthy blog. And coincidentally one of my favourite writers was also in Singapore for a short visit. So we went on a lil food crawl of sorts along Orchard Road… letting LIC take the lead.

He promptly brought us to…. a post office….


But not just any post office, for it was a post office cleverly disguised as a cafe and bar called KPO. (And the actual post office is just right next door. Honest!)


This was also LIC’s maiden visit to KPO but we were game to try out a new place. We were told that KPO got its name from its location as it sits right smack on the junctions of Killiney, Penang and Orchard Road and threatens to be dwarfed by the other tall shopping malls and office buildings surrounding it.


We took a lil tour of KPO and found that it had lovely high ceilings plus a lush outdoor area surrounded by greenery. And I loved the stenciled patterned walls too!


Browsing the menu, we found that KPO serves a range of snacks, pub food, and a selection of burgers and pizzas. But they don’t serve fish though as you can observe this tongue in cheek statement for yourself… 😛


The three of us quickly decided what to order and a lil while later, our Beef Burger ($13) came looking all yummy…


Portion was a bit small though and would fare better as a snack more than a main meal. But we didn’t mind, for it left us with more stomach space to sample more things from their menu!


We all adored the home made chips which were thin and crisp. And the beef patty was nice and juicy. Now if only they added some caramelized onions or pickles….


    1. come come! buy air asia cheap ticket! we go makan til you drop! but i tell you hor, both of us meeting up can be a really lethal combination…since we are both so head over heels in love with dessert!! lol

  1. dining in a post office? novel concept, but I bet nothing beats the Clinic, complete with drips, wheelchairs and all.
    finger foods sound good, to not completely fill one’s stomach.

    1. yup i think jet star and air asia has really cheap tickets! my trip to singapore was way too short. hope to visit again soon!

  2. Oh gosh, this seems so long ago but also as if it were just yesterday that I joined you and LIC for dinner. The pizza was my fave of the night – the Yorkshire pork perfectly marinated/flavoured in my opinion. I definitely wouldn’t mind heading back there again… 🙂

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