White Curry Mee @ Hot Bowl Nyonya Delights, Abu Siti Lane

Ever heard of White Curry Mee? Something of a novelty right? White Curry Mee is the specialty of Hot Bowl restaurant located at Abu Siti Lane. The owner used to operate from a push cart stall along Rangoon Road before expanding to a bigger outfit – a nice air conditioned place in Abu Siti Lane.… Continue reading White Curry Mee @ Hot Bowl Nyonya Delights, Abu Siti Lane

Goh Thew Chik Hainan Chicken Rice

Ah the good ol’ chicken rice… a staple of our Malaysian diet, unhealthy as it may seem (oily but oh so fragrant rice and all). I’m sure each of us would have our very own favourite chicken rice stall. And one of my favourites would definitely have to be… Goh Thew Chik Hainan Chicken Rice… Continue reading Goh Thew Chik Hainan Chicken Rice

Sky Hotel Char Siew Siu Baak Rice

Apologies for my disappearance! Have been so bogged down by work…and then when I managed to clear most of it, I immediately laid hands on the last Harry Potter book….and after staying up for 2 nights reading…I FINALLY know what happens…….!! won’t go into that…cos it’s time for…a food update! I have been craving for… Continue reading Sky Hotel Char Siew Siu Baak Rice