Penang’s Very First Hungi!

Hungi? What’s that you ask? Well thanks to Sigi’s Bar & Grill at Golden Sands Resort, us Penangites will get a chance to find out what exactly a Hungi is this Saturday! In conjunction with Earth Hour this Saturday, Sigi’s Bar & Grill will be offering a traditional New Zealand Maori Hungi which is usually… Continue reading Penang’s Very First Hungi!

China Gourmet Tour Series Part 2 – E-Spring Hotel’s Restaurant @ Cong Hua, Guang Zhou

When my friends heard I was going on a gourmet tour to China, everyone said ‘oh! then you’ll be eating all the exotic stuff like cockroaches etc’ Well….I didn’t exactly eat cockroaches. But I did eat some pretty exotic stuff! During the dinner at E-Spring Hotel’s in house restaurant, our first dish for the night… Continue reading China Gourmet Tour Series Part 2 – E-Spring Hotel’s Restaurant @ Cong Hua, Guang Zhou

A Little Dim Sum Place @ SS2 KL

While I was in KL recently, I paid a visit to A Little Dim Sum Place in SS2 (just a few doors away from the Sai Mai Lo place), which apparently is quite new. I love dim sum so I was eager to see what they had to offer. They had quite a variety of… Continue reading A Little Dim Sum Place @ SS2 KL