The Tale of a long long snack at Paya Terubong

Some time ago, blog hoppers might remember a slew of reviews about a certain extra long snack… also known as the longest ‘yew tiao’, longest deep fried Chinese cruller or “Te Chang Yew Tiao Wang” to be exact (translated from Mandarin to Extra Long Cruller King). Well, Lingzie’s Tummy Treats is here to jolt your… Continue reading The Tale of a long long snack at Paya Terubong

Yummylicious Yew Char Kuih @ Raja Uda, Butterworth

Little did I know that I would be having these heavenly deep fried snacks when I went for steamboat at Raja Uda. Before we even took our seats at the steamboat restaurant, a few of my friends already spotted the yew char kuih stall opposite the road doing brisk business. And we charged towards it… Continue reading Yummylicious Yew Char Kuih @ Raja Uda, Butterworth