David Lebovitz’s Cheesecake Brownie Recipe & Much Belated 3rd Flogger Gathering Round Up

I had wanted to start my first post of 2009 much earlier than today. But a bad case of food poisoning has caused me to hurl at the very sight and thought of food. I shall spare you all the ugly details. Trust me. You don’t wanna know. Am feeling less queasy today. Therefore, today’s… Continue reading David Lebovitz’s Cheesecake Brownie Recipe & Much Belated 3rd Flogger Gathering Round Up

2nd Flogger Gathering (Round Up) @ Edelweiss Cafe Armenian Street

Thanks to the very kind Ken of FoodPOI, I’ve finally got my visual editor back and a shiny new upgraded version of WordPress!! yaayyy!! So now…back to the flogger gathering… I must admit I was rather a nervous wreck hours before the 2nd Flogger Gathering. I was going through the list of things I still… Continue reading 2nd Flogger Gathering (Round Up) @ Edelweiss Cafe Armenian Street