Chinese New Year Pineapple Tarts Recipe

The blogosphere seems to be abuzz with Pineapple tarts! What with Chinese New Year a mere 3 weeks away! In fact, Food4Tots was also making them almost the same time I was, so we launched into a long discussion about them, exchanging tips and stories. đŸ™‚ My family and I love this delicious, addictive tart… Continue reading Chinese New Year Pineapple Tarts Recipe

Gula Melaka Coffee Rum Cake Recipe

From time to time, I get very domestic and perhaps some sort of maternal instinct in me will kick in and make me feel like venturing into the kitchen to experiment and (hopefully) churn out mouth watering delicacies! I prefer baking though, to cooking mains. (It is my hope that I will one day ‘graduate’… Continue reading Gula Melaka Coffee Rum Cake Recipe