Canele Pattiserie @ Paragon, Orchard Road, Singapore

Ever wondered what happens when a Dessert Queen meets Singapore’s well loved Dessert King? A serious over-dose of desserts is what! 😛 Now I adore desserts. Absolutely whole heartedly adore them! So when I arrived in Singapore for an ultra short trip, I almost immediately made a bee line for Canele Pattiserie at Paragon. I… Continue reading Canele Pattiserie @ Paragon, Orchard Road, Singapore

Marvellous Magnificient Macarons!

Ah…macarons… Chewy crisp tops and creamy centers… the perfect treat for anyone with a sweet tooth! Sunny of Big Boys Oven showing us the way… We were delighted when our macarons had ‘feet’! Horray! Them macarons can be temperamental I tell you…. not easy to make… all the elements have to fall into place –… Continue reading Marvellous Magnificient Macarons!