Hainanese Delights – Bringing Back Nostalgic Recipes

As far as I can remember, my family has always been a big fan of Hainanese food. As a child, I would hear them regale me with tales of old famous restaurants serving up the best Hainanese food in Penang. And in those tales, names like Garden Hotel, Lone Pine and Hollywood Restaurant would definitely… Continue reading Hainanese Delights – Bringing Back Nostalgic Recipes

Johnny’s Nasi Lemak – A Truly Unique Treat!

Nasi Lemak is indeed one of the best loved staple foods in Malaysia. Various versions are available, from the simplest form (those RM1 per packet nasi lemaks) to the more elaborate types where you can pick and choose your dishes to go with the rice. One of the most unique nasi lemaks I’ve come across… Continue reading Johnny’s Nasi Lemak – A Truly Unique Treat!