The Hokkien Mee Chronicles – Part 2 (Pulau Tikus Balai Hokkien Mee)

Apologies for my lack of updates and disappearance from the blogosphere of late. The past week and the coming few weeks would be a whirlwind of activity as I pack in work, a short work trip, being a bridesmaid, organizing a bridal shower, catching up with friends who’re back from overseas, taking some friends out for a food recce, all while trying not to neglect this blog of mine. I’ve got lots to blog about – all my photos are sitting there patiently waiting for me to edit them. And I do miss reading all the blogs that I love… 🙁 Promise I’ll come back soon and catch up!

So..without further adue… here is Part 2 of the Hokkien Mee chronicles. This time, its another famous stall – the Pulau Tikus ‘Balai’ Hokkien Mee! The reason for the name being that the kopitiam is located directly opposite the Pulau Tikus police station (balai polis).

The actual name of the Kopitiam is Kedai Kopi Swee Kong.

Pulau Tikus Balai Kopitiam

And its packed with patrons in the mornings, who mostly come for the Hokkien Mee.There will usually be a group of people crowding round the stall waiting for their take away, as the husband and wife team deftly prepare their orders.

Pulau Tikus Balai Hokkien Mee Stall

You will still have to wait for your oder, but the wait is usually about 15mins or so, depending on how crowded the place is. The resulting bowl of piping hot Hokkien Mee is really good! Spicy and flavorful. Not as spicy as Super Hokkien Mee though, in my opinion.

Pulau Tikus Balai Hokkien Mee

I still remember, as a kid, dad would ‘ta pau’ packets of this Hokkien Mee for us for breakfast on Sunday. And how I detested it! Simply because it was way too spicy for me at that time. So much so that I sort of developed a phobia of this stall’s Hokkien Mee!

Thankfully, I’ve now outgrown the phobia! And many a Sunday mornings will you find me and my family tucking into a bowl of this Hokkien mee.

Pulau Tikus Balai Hokkien Mee2

Pulau Tikus Balai Hokkien Mee is open in the mornings until about noon, or until they’ve sold out. 🙂  This kopitiam also offers a rather unique Wanton mee and tasty apom. Nearer to lunch time, there’s also a stall selling Siam Laksa which is just excellent!


  1. Again, I always look forward to the thick, dark flat noodles when I read the magic words “Hokkien Mee” and get surprised when I see this instead. Hehe, I need to travel to Penang and have some of this regularly so that my response becomes instead, “Which type of Hokkien Mee?” 😉

  2. Its has been a while since I have been there mainly because I cant seem to get up so early. The hokkien mee stall usually starts packing by 10am so if you are interested to try, be early.

    J2kfm – i think the roti babi store is just opposite swee keong coffee shop. There use to be a good roti babi store at the coffee shop opposite the open car park but has sinced moved. If you like roti babi, try the one at Cathay and Poly Cafe. Write to me if you need directions.

  3. Hi Lingzie, I have always love Penang and the food there and yes, I remember Ayer Hitam, Pulau tikus, Gurney drive etc….sure love the poh pia, oh chien, rojak….not to mention the gentle charms of Penang women.

    Old days used to enjoy dancing at the E&O, then have supper at Gurney drive, then take a drive around Penang Island around 1am…if its a moonlight night and a sarong kebaya, long hair friend with me, ha ha.
    You have a great week, best regards, Lee.

  4. love this hokkien mee! the soup has very evident prawny taste to it 🙂 however they always give little soup only for tarpaus 🙁
    its been almost five years since i last ate…too lazy to wake up that early on weekends ;p

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